Donnerstag, 25. April 2013

To my girls

You both have been with me for such a different time and yet the both of you had such a tremendous influence on my life... And though the two of you are as different as two people could possibly be without bringing race and gender to bear, I loved each of you fiercely, with all my heart. But my love died and so did yours and vice verse. Between the two of you I learned what it means to hope- and desperately long for someone and to be despised for not being able to return feelings anymore that once came all naturally.

And for both of you I am nothing now or close enough that it makes no matter, just as your presences slowly recedes from my consciousness... but still you remain with me as you made me what I am today, whether I like that or not. You gave me much and you have taken plenty, but fairness is never truly an option where feelings are hurt. In the end we all did what we did and will have to life with the consequences, for we are not as inseparable as we all once thought to be... Why all this comes to my mind? Because I wanted to thank you for showing me so different shades of love; for letting me know hope and for teaching me to endure as well as to be cautious. Thanks to you, I will once be a better man than the one you knew. I will be me, which would not have been possible without ever loving you. Even if you will forget me, I won't ever truly forget you and your lessons. There will always be a place for each of you in the heart that you have helped to shape.

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